Monday, December 13, 2010

sunday december 12
watching baby tossing with the dream at home.

saturday december 11
on the way to meet the team to watch hockey, gsp and weirdos.

friday december 10
about to help grace beat jared.

thursday december 9
at the cabin with birky, mizzy and adina.

wednesday december 8
watching the game with the terry ray at pat's pub.

tuesday december 7
facebookin' at work.

monday december 6
thrift stores and three value villages with jared and grace.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

sunday december 5
team captain matt aiken and his leather vest.

saturday december 4
random frenchie on the 99 on the way to lawrence's cheese party.

friday december 3
driving up to the cabin with the dream, brother and aaron.

thursday december 2
isabella sitting with josiah.  not going so good.

wednesday december 1
bringing the baby to a bar to watch the game with brother.

tuesday november 30
doing office stuff.

monday november 29
at work with christian.